Sharing God’s Love Story
By: Gerlyn B. De Jesus
Reflecting on the time of COVID-19, some might think wrestling with the challenges outweighs moments of blessings. Others might instead think of taking a moment to touch lives with God’s love story despite the challenges.
As the Philippines struggled to thrive economically during this pandemic, online purchasing led to increased demands for home delivery, giving rise to more job opportunities. With lockdowns and heightened restrictions, delivery riders have become a valued group of frontliners. Day and night through sunshine and rain, they have endured discomfort and risk of COVID-19 exposure to serve the Filipino people by delivering needed goods. Pay is typically minimum wage with no health or other employee benefits, working conditions are difficult, and many struggle to provide sufficiently for their families.
In October 2021, God placed a burden on the hearts of some BCM Philippine youth from Metro Manila to bless fifteen chosen riders when they delivered orders to their homes by sharing God’s love story, praying for them, and providing some groceries for their families. After many fervent prayers, planning, and preparations, God’s plan for these riders was executed on October 24, 2021. The group of Christian young people waited in various home for fifteen different riders to deliver their orders. As each arrived, they were invited to participate in a moment of prayer and sharing God’s love story.
Amazingly, not one rider declined. While God worked in each heart, the young people shared the gospel, prayed with the riders, then handed them a bag of groceries. One rider shared that he’d desperately needed this job because his daughter has been hospitalized for a week and his family had no money to pay the bills. When he heard God’s story of love, he suddenly felt God’s peace. Another rider disclosed that his pregnant girlfriend about to deliver their baby. He’d been feeling totally bewildered as to their future. After one BCM youth shared God’s story and prayed for him, he expressed that there is indeed hope in God and that he could feel God’s amazing love.
Still another one said, “I’ve been running away from God during this pandemic as the challenges are overwhelming and God’s presence seemed so far. But after your love for one rider like me through God’s love story and prayer, I can’t deny he’s touching my life now. I will look for a Christian church so I can grow in faith again.”
Fifteen riders heard God’s love story that day. Fourteen surrendered their lives to Jesus, and one rededicated his life to Christ. God’s love story continues to impact lives today. These young people who echoed His story had overflowing joy at the end of the day, and their lives have challenged other youth to do the same.
Yes, we all have our own stories to tell. But God’s love story is what our world desperately needs to hear. It’s time to share His story—not tomorrow but today!
Originally Published in BCM World March 2022
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