Tiny Steps of Faith- Flashcard Book Vol. 1


Flashcard Book

Volume 1 – Tell Me About God

This book contains the flashcards used to teach the Tiny Steps of Faith curriculum Volume 1 – Tell Me About God.

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This book contains the flashcards used to teach the Tiny Steps of Faith curriculum volume 1 (book measures 8.5 x 11 with each image covering 2 pages). Tiny Steps of Faith, designed for ages 4 – 6 years, is a Bible-centered, activity-oriented curriculum that introduces God the Father and God the Son, Jesus, to preschoolers and leads them to take tiny steps in trusting and obeying God.

Volume 1 – Tell Me About God

16 Lessons illustrated. Introduces God as Creator, the One who hates sin, the One who keeps his promises, and a loving Father who sent his Son into the world as a baby. Includes lessons about creation, Adam and Eve, Abraham, and the birth of Christ.