A Look Back at BCM Netherlands

By: Jeanette Windle “I was part of the very first Bible club.” Wil Buitenweg had just arrived for seniors camp at BCM Netherlands’ Bijbel Club Centrum ‘De Herikon’, but she paused in her unpacking for an interview. “There were only five of us. It was just after the...

Christmas Greetings

Back in 1914, a communication titled “Open Christmas Letter” was sent to the United States press core. The authors were a small but passionate group of Americans who sought to reach out to a world ravaged by The Great War. The letter, published under the heading “On...

Footsteps of Faith Revision

     One of the key assets that BCM has brought to children’s ministry over the years is the visual communication of the Scriptures by providing a Genesis-to-Revelation curriculum that includes a variety of visual aids, teaching tips, and coaching advice. This...

Typhoon Pablo

Greetings as we begin the New Year of 2013. Sometimes it seems that disaster and crisis follows one after another across this planet until it is hard to muster up new emotion, compassion, and another helping hand. In North America, the big news story of recent months...