BCM Church in Nepal damaged by earthquake

Survivors in tents due to structures being to dangerous
If you are following the news, you are aware of the earthquake magnitude 7.8 on the Richter scale that hit Kathmandu area in Nepal, Saturday, April 25th, 2015. Aftershocks continue to hit the area, and death toll is now upward of 7000 and rising. We have shared often of the vibrant ministry of our BCM Nepal family, including the miracle birth of Milestone Church following the fall of the Hindu monarchy in 2008, which opened that country to the public preaching of the Gospel. Here is a link to the story of that miracle (From Rice Paddy to Light on a Hilltop).
We have received confirmation that our BCM National Director Robbin Vaidhya and his family along with other BCM personnel (8 full-time missionaries and 5 more volunteer church planters) are safe with no injuries. Among church families, searches continue for unaccounted relatives. Meanwhile the BCM Milestone Church building in Katmandu was heavily damaged (see photos). Church services were held Sunday in an open-air tent. Many church families and neighbors have moved into tents as continuing aftershocks make it too dangerous to return indoors.
With two days now passed, other needs such as food, water, blankets, warm clothing and shelter are growing more urgent. It is spring in Nepal. Since the Nepalese capital of Kathmandu sits in a valley at 1400 meters (4600feet), temperatures are upward of 60F (15C). But in higher surrounding villages hard hit by earthquake, it is much chillier, and people are sleeping outdoors in the rubble of their homes.
We first of all praise God for His deliverance and protection of our BCM Nepal personnel. Already they are involved in relief efforts for affected families in their area. They list as greatest needs food and First Aid supplies, water, blankets and more tents. Please pray for quick arrival of relief aid. Pray as well that our BCM Nepal leadership and church families will in this tragedy be a witness of God’s love to their community in need. Pray too for the long-term rebuilding of Milestone Church and homes of believers and others destroyed by earthquake. To donate to the BCM Nepal relief fund, Click Here.