By Garrett Lowe, Vice President of Personnel, BCM International
Here are some encouragements to help jump start your growth as you move into the new year!
There are so many benefits to picking ONE WORD for the year instead of making resolutions or setting tons of goals.
By picking ONE WORD, you can drill down deep in one area and go at your own pace.
Ask yourself, “What ONE WORD can I pick that will have an impact throughout the year?”
ONE WORD Suggestions:
Once you’ve picked your ONE WORD, challenge yourself each month to apply it in different ways.
My ONE WORD is “Stewardship.”
When most people hear the the word “stewardship” they automatically think of finances. But being a good steward actually means, “careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.” Stewardship means so much more than finances! It’s my plan to pick a different area of life every month to practice being a better steward.
Little by Little Challenge
Challenge yourself little by little and month by month with new levels of growth with the ONE WORD you picked. You don’t have to set huge goals at the beginning of the year. Just focus on one area of your ONE WORD at a time.
Example: Imagine your ONE WORD is “family. “
January: Focus on being more intentional with family dinners.
February: Focus on planning some family game nights.
March: Focus on planning your family vacations.
April: Focus on ways your family can serve.
May: Focus on ways you can expand your family’s reach to partner with brothers and sisters in Christ around the world.
Think through your ONE WORD
After you pick your ONE WORD, think about the different ways that you can apply that one word and use it to influence your life and the world. You can use these prompts to write out your thoughts to keep in front of you all year.
What’s your ONE WORD?
List four ways this ONE WORD can impact your life personally.
List four ways this ONE WORD can impact your family.
List four ways this ONE WORD can impact your spiritual growth.
List four ways this ONE WORD can impact your community or relationships.
List four ways this ONE WORD can impact your physical or mental health.
“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But ONE THING I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14
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